Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Movie - The Woman (2011)

Another recommendation by Netflix and my fiance. This movie has to be one of the craziest movies I have EVER seen!!! The movie follows what appears to be a normal family who does everything together and hunts. While the husband is out hunting one day he spots a feral woman and decides he's going to take her home, chain her in his basement, and civilize her with the help of his family. As the movie moves foward, you learn just how completely twisted the family really is including... **SPOILER** the father and son both taking a turn raping her, the father impregnating his daughter, the son using pliers to rip the woman's nipple off, feeding a teacher to his dogs, and keeping an eyeless person who acts as a dog kept in their dog shed. Yep pretty much the craziest movie I have ever seen by far. Great movie though! There really isn't any other type of movie like this really (at least not that I've seen). I gave this one a five because there is literally nothing like this I have ever seen. Great movie. So crazy.

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