Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Movie - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

Having seen both of the other adaptations of this movie, I wanted to finally see the original. I am not a big fan of black and white films, but this one was okay. My favorite is the remake after this one in color as I felt it truly captured the essence of the story. I would not really consider this one to be in the horror genre despite what Netflix suggested. The movie is about an alien organism that creates clones of people and steals their bodies making them emotionless and submissive to the alien race. There is no way to tell if someone has been taken over unless you witness the growing of the clone yourself. The movie follows a doctor and his attempt to escape and stop the aliens from taking over. As I stated, this is not my favorite adaptation of the film, but it was still fun to watch. I will give this one a three.

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