Monday, July 21, 2014

Movie - House Hunting (2013)

Here is another gem I found on Netflix which was recommended to me by a girl we met at the Exchange. This movie is about two families who end up looking at a house that's for sale out in the woods. When the families try to leave the house, they end up right back where they started. Another girl is in the house and advises them that in order to leave only one family can be left. The families begin butting heads and thinking that they need to eliminate the other family to leave. As people start dying or getting injured and lies begin to surface, the truth comes out about each family's past. The father of the one family loses his mind and butchers his wife and gets killed himself which was a crazy turn of events. The movie is a little confusing as I'm not really sure if the families are there to atone for their crimes or if there is another reason why they are there. I enjoyed this movie a lot because there were a lot of twists and turns and each minute revealed some new mystery. I gave this one a four.

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