Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Movie - Re-Animator (1985)

Here is another movie that is supposedly a cult classic (or so Netflix tells me). I liked this movie as much as the one right before it. The movie is about a mad scientist who is determined to find a way to bring the dead back to life. Once he is caught, he flees the country and ends up in a college so that he can find a way to continue his work. Once in college, he rooms with another student and secretly performs his experiments on the student's cat by killing it and re-animating its life. Things get out of hand when the mad scientist starts to perform his experiments on cadavers in the lab in secret. This movie is kind of silly to me and I wasnt' 100% into it really. It was very cheesy and had that 80's horror charm, but was not really my thing to be honest. I'm giving this movie a three as well.

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