Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Movie - Hatchet II (2010)

Unfortunately this is another one where they do not have all of the series on Netflix so I had to skip the first and jump straight into the second so I don't really know the backstory on this one. The movie starts off with a girl who is found by a fisherman and lets him know her whole family was slaughered by a man in the swamp. He lets her know to find a man in town who will help her take the psychopath down. He brings a group of men with him so that they can track down the girl's family and bury their bodies. The men start getting slaughtered one by one and the girl takes down Hatchet Man herself (rather gruesomely I might add). This movie series reminds me of Friday the 13th quite a lot as it is in a swampy area and it's one singular man taking out people with a sharp weapon. The movie isnt' really great and I don't know that I would ever watch it again personally. I definitely would not BUY this movie. To me this is just a weird spin off of Jason and really only deserves a two.

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