Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Movie - The Thing

Just to clarify, this is the John Carpenter version of The Thing, not the most recent remake. I have only seen the most recent two and not the old original movie. This movie was GREAT and really stuck to the origins of a classic horror movie. The movie begins with a helicopter chasing a wolf and attempting to shoot it. It is not explained until later why this is occuring. After the wolf is taken in by an American base in Alaska, it becomes apparent what the wolf really is. One by one, the Americans are pitted against each other in a war against an alien organism which can clone its host. I am a huge fan of the old school special effects as they were not CG'd and were actually hand made. Sure CG looks great, but nothing compares to that handmade horror look. This movie was completely excellent and I have given it a five out of five.

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