Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Movie - Vile (2011)

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This is pretty up there in the craziest movies I've ever seen category. So there is this liquid that apparently comes out of your brain when you are in pain that this company is harvesting to sell as a drug. In order to get this drug, a group of people are kidnapped and put in a room together where their only way out is by filling the tubes by inflicting pain on each other. Another tube is inserted into their head and will kill them all if they either run out of time or try to remove the device. The group of people are pitted against each other to inflict enough pain to release them from the room, but once they are released they are killed by a turncoat who was in the group. Only one person survived and he set out to find the owner of the company and destroy her. I think it's just so crazy the things they had to do to fill the gauge. I gave this one a four. The movie was just so so crazy! If you watch the movie, check out what they do to that evil Asian girl.

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