Monday, July 21, 2014

Movie - Manhunter (1986)

I was not aware that the Red Dragon movie was actually a re-make of this movie from the 80's. Instead of following the Red Dragon character (Dee), the movie follows the detective who is cracking the case instead. The movie portrays a man who believes himself to be hideous and hides behind the personal of the Red Dragon which ultimately consumes his life causing him to murder innocent girls. At some point he wears pantyhose on his head and sends a reporter flying down a ramp in a wheelchair on fire. The movie mostly follows the detective and how he falls into the mindset of the criminal to solve crimes. Honestly, I enjoyed Red Dragon more because I personally enjoy seeing the side of the killer rather than the side of the detective which is usually how things are shown. That and the REAL Hanibal Lector that we all love is in Red Dragon and not in Manhunter which is unfortunate. I gave this one a three. It was pretty good and showed a different side of the story.

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