Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Movie - Red State (2011)

Here is another one of those movies that kind of flew under the rador that I wasn't aware of. The movie starts out following some testosterone filled boys who are trying to meet girls on the internet to sleep with them. One night they go to meet a woman to sleep with, but once they get there they are drugged and held captive by an extremist religious organization. The boys fight for their lives to keep from being sacrified as the police get closer to finding the group's hideout. In an all out brutal gun fight, John Goodman brings it to the religious cult and stops them once and for all... by killing everyone (even the hostages!) The movie gets pretty crazy at some points and I like this movie okay. I gave it a three for having some good actors in it that I liked in other movies, but did not give it more because I don't really like watching religious cult movies where they torture and kill people for stupid reasons.

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