Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Movie - Sanitarium (2013)

This is a collection of short stories of how certain people got committed into an insane asylum. The first story follows a famous sculpter who gets tricked by his friends into thinking he was crazy and ends up killing himself. The friend who tricked him loses his mind over it and ends up in the asylum. The second story follows a boy who had a monster following in his shadows. The monster murders his family and his teacher and he ends up in the asylum for the rest of his life. The third/last story follows a survivalist who was convinced the world was going to end and tried to convince his family to join him in his bomb shelter. When they wouldn't, he killed them and hid in his shelter. A few years later (after going crazy), he leaves the shelter and ends up at the asylum. All in all this was pretty decent (Creepshow was way better) and I would probably watch it again so I'll throw this one three skulls.

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