Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Movie - Haunt

Every now and then we will look through OnDemand and find a gem such as this one. Funny story, however, is that after we paid $9.99 to watch this, it showed up on Netflix for free :) Oh well. lesson learned. The preview for the movie is actually scarier than the movie itself which is why previews are so important for reeling people in. That does not mean that I am going to give this a low score though, just something I wanted to mention. The movie is about a family who moves into a house which is haunted by an angry spirit. The angry spirit caused the deaths of the previous tenant's husband and children and she moved out. When the new tenant and his girlfriend find a machine used to contact the dead, they uncover a disastrous tragedy that happened in the house. I won't give any spoilers on this movie so you will have to see the plot twist at the end yourself. The movie was great, but unfortunately not as scary as I had anticipated. I gave this one a four out of five. This one is currently available on Netflix.

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