Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Movie - Bag of Bones (2011)

Here we have another one of Stephen King's novels turned into a mini series. This mini series was pretty much just one movie split into two equal parts of about an hour and a half. The movie follows a famous author who loses his wife in a terrible car accident. To get away, he decides to stay at his cabin. While at the cabin, he discovers that his grandfather took part in the rape/murder of a woman and child. The woman cursed his grandfather and all involved that they would drown their first born girls. As the curse started coming true, Pierce found himself caught in the middle of finding a way out of murdering a little girl who now calls him father. This movie took a really long time to get going and I think could have been done a little better. I was a little bored with it and only gave it a three though I'm a little interested in reading the book to see if it played out a little better.

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