Wednesday, April 9, 2014

TV Show - Faceoff - 4/8/14

Here are the looks from yesterday in case you missed them:

George: The judges loved the costume except for the wrap and the fingers which they asked him to remove. He was in top looks.

Niko: The judges did not like this make up and thought it looked more comedic than scary. This was in bottom looks.

Rashaad: The judges loved this make up and it won first place in top looks.

Tyler: The judges hated this make up and thought it to be very boring and confusing. Fortunately no contestants were eliminated or this may have sent him home.

The judges decided to keep all contestants for a second chance elimination match next week.

Who's left?
♥ Rashaad
♥ Tyler
♥ George
♥ Niko

♥ Nobody

♥ Rashaad

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