Monday, July 6, 2009

Movie - Peter Pan (The Original)


Believe it or not, I have never seen this movie before (at least I don't think I have). I must say that I am very impressed with this Disney flick. I thought this would be a very boring child's film, but it turns out that I couldn't turn away from it and it kept my attention greatly. I think that they should have left this movie as is and not make any sequels. The sequels ruin the value of the original movie, especially one as old as this one. This is a very valued movie and will be treasured in this generation and the last generation's hearts. It is sad to see the new generation being raised on such crap and not with the classics that we were raised with. I think we should show these movies to all of our children for generations to come so that Disney will never be forgotten for as long as time.

I give this movie a four out of five for sheer beauty and for Disney's creation of another classic.


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