Saturday, August 1, 2009

Movie - Gamera The Brave


This is the first Gamera movie I have ever seen, although it is not the first Gamera movie to come out. This is a rather recent film and from what I have heard had the most work put into it. This movie, although reminding me of the Godzilla movies, is not quite like them. While Godzilla focused mostly on Godzilla and his foes, Gamera focuses mostly on the people around him and how he affects them emotionally. A young boy finds a small turtle which turns out to grow into Gamera's son. He fights for Gamera's son and with the power of all of the children, help save the city. Gamera touches the hearts of the people and it is apparent how he touches the hearts and souls of the children in the movie. This movie was outstanding and I really enjoyed it even though I thought it would be cheesy. It was still a little cheesy and funny at times, but kept me interested and wanting more. I can't wait to see the other Gamera movies so that I can compare and see how these movies have advanced as the years went on.

I give this movie a four out of five for wowing me and keeping me wanting more.

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