Monday, September 8, 2014

Video Game - Outlast: Whistleblower (2014 PS4)

This is another review for some DLC, but this time I'm reviewing the one for Outlast. For those of you who saw my review for Outlast, you know how I feel about the game already.

I actually liked the DLC better than the original game because there were more light sources, it was easier to navigate, and the game was shorter. I don't mind a long game, but the original was very monotonous and after a while became boring.

In this game you are a guy who betrays the company he is working for. After he is found out, he is thrown into an asylum to keep him quiet. You have to fight your way through various obstacles and extremely insane people to get out. You actually do get out in this one unlike the original game where you actually die. Sorry was that a spoiler? :)

The most memorable part of the game is when a really crazy guy tries to castrate you and hang you. You enter a room where there are hundreds of others that met the same fate. That part was very stressful and crazy in my opinion.

This was a pretty good DLC and I recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the original game. I'll give this one a three.

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