Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Movie - The Prophecy (1995)

I am doing another series piece as this was next in my queue on Netflix (I believe all five of them are on Netflix if you wanted to power watch them like I am doing). These are religious movies that a based around Gabriel the fallen angel.

There are a few surprising actors in this movie including Viggo and Christopher Walken. The first movie is about Gabriel's journey to take an evil soul from the Earth to fight against the other angels. A detective and a school teacher become involved when a young student gets the evil soul transferred into her. During a ritual to remove the soul, Lucifer helps the detective stop Gabriel and takes him back to Hell.

To be honest, this movie was rather confusing to me as I am very ignorant to religious stories so it was hard for me to tell which angels were good and which were bad. Overall the movie was entertaining and gets a three out of me. For some reason this movie gives me a "Wishmaster" feel though I liked those movies much better than these. Let me know if you felt the same way.

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