Sunday, August 17, 2014

Movie - Into The Storm (2014)

Good morning Pittsburgh! That's where I'm from in case any of you who actually read this are wondering. I have officially hit 1,500 views and I thank all of you loyal bloggin readers for your time and effort to come in here each day and read this blog. It's not often I get on here on a Sunday as I usually only do this on days that I work during my lunch so this here is a treat! Being that it was my third anniversary with my fiance, we decided to go see this promising looking film. I've always been a fan of natural disaster movies or just watching stormwatcher shows in general so I was excited to see a new tornado movie come out because we haven't really seen a good one come out since probably Twister in 1996. I'm happy to see Lori from the Walking Dead has returned to the living in a different role which I think she nailed.

Okay so let's get to into the meat of the movie. If you hate spoilers you should probably stop reading now. **Spoilers?**

The movie follows two groups of people who end up meeting in the middle at some point. The first group is a widowed father and his two sons who are in the process of filming time capsule pieces of people to bury during the graduation ceremony the next day. The second group is a team of storm chasers who are heading to the same town to try to catch a tornado on film. Rather than going to the graduation ceremony, Donnie (the older son) decides to help a girl he has a crush on (Kaitlyn) create a film for school (this is important later).

The movie takes this time to do some character developing showing you that one of the stormchasers (Allison) has been away from her daughter for 3 months and misses her terribly. It also shows you that the head of the stormchasers (Pete) will do anything to get the "perfect shot" and that he hasn't gotten any shots for about a year and has just been dumped from any further funding. The movie also shows that the father (Gary) is estranged a bit from his sons due to his divorce with his wife and ultimately leading up to her accident which caused her death.

The movie starts taking a turn at this point when the first tornado hits during the graduation ceremony which is outside. All of the students and faculty run inside and duck as the twister starts demolishing their school and parking lot. Everyone is safe after this, but it is now that Gary realizes that Donnie is not in the school. With his other son's help (Trey), he learns where Donnie is. While Gary is trying to reach Donnie over the phone, the signal cuts out and the entire structure he is inside with Kaitlyn collapses, trapping them. Water starts pouring in and they are now fighting for their lives to survive before they drown.

Gary leaves with Trey to find Donnie and after another tornado spins his car out of control, he evacuates the car only to find the stormchasers. After saving Allison's life, Gary and Trey are welcomed into the stormchaser's van to find his son (it happened to be the same direction they were going so it worked out). I personally thought the way he saved Allison was a little unbelievable, but it still kind of looked cool. Let's just say he must be REALLY strong. As they're moving on, twisters start hitting left and right, putting the whole group in grave danger. Once the van is tipped over, they seek refuge in a church until the tornados pass. During this time, two of the stormchasers get killed (Jacob and Lucas).

Allison takes Gary and Trey to where Donnie is and they fight to move the rubble enough to save both he and Kaitlyn. The storms at this point are absolutely insane and heading straight for the school where the whole town is held up. Once back at the school, they evacuate everyone to busses so that they can pretty much run for their lives away from the massive tornado. The last bus which includes all of the main characters gets blocked by a tree so they are forced to climb into a drain pipe for safety. Pete blocks the entrance of the drain pipe with his car only to sacrifice his own life to save everyone else as his car is pulled to the top of the funnel and then he is dropped to his death.

Everyone else survives if you were wondering, but the whole town is in shambles.

What did I think about this movie? Well... I loved it. The movie had me on the edge of my seat the entire viewing. I don't recall if I blinked at all to be honest haha. For real though, if you like natural disaster movies, seriously check this one out and I assure you that this one will not disappoint in any way possible. I give this one a whopping five out of five. Yes!!

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