Saturday, June 16, 2012

Book - Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon

I must say that I am highly impressed with how this book developed as I read. The beginning intro was so hard to get through as it was very wordy and boring, but I pressed through (for about six months I might add). I am glad I took the time to read through the entire book as it is unlike anything I have ever read before. I would closely assemble this book with the movie "The Stand" as it has similar pretences. There is a good side fighting an evil side after the world has been cleansed by either disease or disaster. The good side finds their leader and the bad side finds their leader and they meet in the middle. Though the book was very long, I would recommend it to anyone who is down for a challenge. Once I hit the center of the book, I found that I absolutely could not put it down and would not be satisfied until my mind devoured the last page. If you love a good book, I encourage you to pick this one up.

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