Saturday, June 16, 2012

Movie - The Fourth Kind

Although I did not want to see this movie, it was insisted that I watch it. I'd like to say that I enjoyed it, but at the same time it has me thinking in a way I wish that I never would. I feel now that my mind has been opened up within a new region that I never knew existed. Part of me wants to research to see if this is a real occurrence and the other part of me is scared to death that anything of the sort could ever even exist. My mind is reeling thinking of what could be and what is real in this world. I like to go by hard facts rather than speculation and I can see how someone like this woman could be deemed as insane over such things as it is much easier to persuade someone that another person is crazy rather than trying to convince them that they are right in saying that something from another planet has come in contact with them. Although I don't want to admit it, I am going to further research such things in the future. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will happen in time. I'm not feeling like myself after watching this and I'm not sure if I like that or not... Regardless... I must say that the movie was very enlightening and has started turning the wheels in my mind that have been asleep for a very long time. Whether or not this is a good or bad thing, I have not decided. Either way, I will rate the movie.


I have given this a four out of five stars for being a very detailed and interesting documentary. I highly enjoy documentaries and I feel this one was very professionally done.

Book - Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon

I must say that I am highly impressed with how this book developed as I read. The beginning intro was so hard to get through as it was very wordy and boring, but I pressed through (for about six months I might add). I am glad I took the time to read through the entire book as it is unlike anything I have ever read before. I would closely assemble this book with the movie "The Stand" as it has similar pretences. There is a good side fighting an evil side after the world has been cleansed by either disease or disaster. The good side finds their leader and the bad side finds their leader and they meet in the middle. Though the book was very long, I would recommend it to anyone who is down for a challenge. Once I hit the center of the book, I found that I absolutely could not put it down and would not be satisfied until my mind devoured the last page. If you love a good book, I encourage you to pick this one up.

Movie - The Woman In Black

Let me start off by saying DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. The beginning had some promise and the story line was so-so, but the ending (which is supposed to keep people on the edge of their seat) was actually pretty boring and I was highly disappointed by this movie. Let's first off say that the guy who played Harry Potter was a bad choice for this movie. Not only are people looking at him as an 11 year old boy who does magic, but he also looks like he's 17 in this movie and it's a little hard to believe he has a four year old son. I was disappointed in this movie and would not watch it again.

I give this movie two out of five stars for meager entertainment.

Dead Space 3 Revealed!

Oh how I have waited for this moment to come. Dead Space 3 has been revealed at E3 and I have never been so excited in my life! (exaggeration I know) But seriously though! I love the Dead Space series and the ending to the secone one had me begging for another one. This game is just so user friendly and it's a game with amazing replay value. I think I beat the first and second ones at least 3 or 5 times a piece. And you better believe I am going to be the first one in line to receive a pre-ordered copy! The release date is not due until February of next year though (sad face). I can wait!