Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Stoning of Soraya M.

This is something I never even knew existed and I must say that the ignorance of men has hit a new high in my mind. I have no words to describe my complete and utter disgust of how men treat women. This poor woman did nothing but be a good friend and a loyal wife and she got a terrible and painful death for it. I guess you could call me ignorant as well for not knowing that such terrors existed in this world. I am glad that I am filled with much more knowledge from this movie, but at the same time I am sad for the poor women who have to live in such an uncivilized culture. I hope that someday this culture can move on from this terrible tradition and women's rights will follow all women around the entire world.
This movie gets three out of five stars. Though it was very moving and a good movie, I personally do not like subtitled movies and the men in the movie made me very upset and angry, making me not want to finish the movie as much. I am sickened that things like this exist in our world.