Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Band - Sublime


This band seems to have stolen my heart as of late. I don't know why I never listened to them before, but I just cannot seem to stop now that I have started. I have always been a big fan of reggae music and that is exactly what they dip into. They are a mixture of a little rock and reggae and I can definitely relax and chill to this music. They are invading my ipod!

Here are a few of my favorites from my shuffle list:
♥ D.J.'s
♥ Badfish
♥ Santeria
♥ Pawn Shop
♥ Summertime

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Movie - New Moon


I don't care if this gets the same label as the Harry Potter movie series, I really don't. I enjoyed the book and I enjoyed the movie just as much, if not more. I don't care if everyone out there is hating on the series just because there are a lot of teenagers obsessing over it. The books are outstanding reads and I suggest you pick one up and read it before judging people for liking it. I guarantee you will not be able to put it down.

Now that that nonsense is out of the way, let me begin with the fact that because of this movie I have become a loyal member of "Team Jacob". Anyone who has seen the first movie "Twilight" will most definitely become a Edward fan right off the bat because he is absolutely the perfect man for this girl and he is a dream come true for any girl because he is attractive, strong, the works really. He doesn't mess up in Twilight, he loves her for everything that she is and protects her even though he doesn't even know her that well. He is Cinderella's Prince Charming and nobody could ever see anything wrong with him. This is all the perception Twilight. The fact that Edward is mister perfect and Jacob is just some little kid sent to try and shoo him away and to be young and annoying. But in New Moon you are put into a completely different situation where Edward has now left Bella to fend for herself and she is destroyed. All of the Edward fans are dropping their jaws and starting to get second thoughts of how great he is all of a sudden because if you really loved someone like he said he did, why would he really do that to her? Well that's what made me become a Jacob fan. Jacob never gave up on her, no matter what. Even when he was sworn to secrecy and put into his clan, he still fought for her and loved her with everything that he was and he never gave that up, not even when Alice and Edward returned.

Team Jacob all the way my friends.

And five stars all the way for absolute enjoyment. I can't wait for the third one.

Movie - Zombieland


Wow it has been a long time since I have been on here and it's about time for some more posts. Not like anyone comes on here or anything anyway.... but here goes my review of the recent movie "Zombieland".

Zombieland is obviously a comedy zombie film, but it's nothing like all of those "movie" movies such as "Epic Movie" or "Super Hero Movie". This is an ACTUAL spoof of your cliche zombie films. It takes the situation from a different kind of angle rather than shoot and run. The shy loner boy figures out certain rules to living in the situation rather than just your typical reactions. He thinks of all of the things that everyone always does wrong in the monster and zombie movies and creates rules to prevent becoming the victim to them. This boy meets a man who has lost his son to the zombies and is kind of a loner himself.

I really enjoyed this movie and recommend it for parties of people. If you have a few people over and are bored trying to think of a good movie to watch, you should try this movie out because it is definitely worth not only one watch, but a few in my opinion.

I give this movie a nice four out of five because it was very amusing and not stupid funny, but actually funny.